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November, 2005
Rachel Reizner
Breast cancer awareness advocate, harp player, and athlete
Would you ever think about cutting off all of your hair and donating it to a good cause?! That’s what our Spotlight, Rachel, did after her cousin died of cancer. Rachel volunteers a lot of her time helping educate people about cancer. Read more about all the other things this busy 11-year-old does in her spare time and learn how you can make a difference in other people’s lives by volunteering too!
September, 2005
Austin-Nichole Zachrich
Lights, Camera, Action!
This girl knows what it's really like to be "in the spotlight." She hosts her own TV show, performs on stage, and has been recognized in magazines for her outstanding community service. In pursuing her dream to become an actress, she makes it a point to be active in her community and get a positive message to teens. Read all about Austin-Nichole Zachrich in her interview with
July, 2005
Margaret Whitney
Working with the Disabled
What do you want to do when you graduate high school? Do you want to travel, go to college, get a job, or join the military? Well, this Spotlight seems to know exactly what she wants to do and she's working hard to get there. Margaret Whitney dreams of going to medical school, working with the disabled, and using her love of horses to reach out to others. Read about how this young woman is doing what it takes to succeed as a college student!
May, 2005
Katie Sullivan
Small girl with a big spirit
Each one of us has limitations to what we can do. What makes us unique is how we overcome those limitations and make our other talents shine through even the most difficult situations. Katie Sullivan is a girl that doesn't let anything stand in her way—especially not Down syndrome. She's super-involved and has enough energy for all her extra-curricular activities and then some!
March, 2005
Lacey Erickson
Miss Teen Minnesota International 2005
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be in a beauty pageant? Miss Teen Minnesota International, Lacey Erickson will tell you that there’s more to it than interviews, ball gowns, and being on stage. Part of the job is creating a platform (an issue she feels strongly about and will promote throughout the year) and thinking up ways to spread the word to others. Find out the inside scoop about pageants, nutrition, and being healthy from Lacey Erickson herself!
Content last reviewed March 01, 2005
Page last updated November 01, 2005