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Disclaimers, a service of the Office on Women’s Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides health information that girls and others can trust. We take that duty very seriously. Below is some information to help you understand what we consider our responsibility and what we do not.
Endorsement disclaimer: Links to other sites sometimes links to websites run by organizations that are not part of the federal government. We also may link to or mention products, services, or sources of information that are not from the federal government. Any mention of this kind does not mean an endorsement (stamp of approval), either direct or implied, by OWH. Neither OWH nor HHS is responsible for the content of any non-federal websites mentioned on Also, the privacy policy does not extend to these sites.
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Health information disclaimer provides information to help advance women’s and girls’ health research, services, and public and health professional education. Our materials are not intended to be used for the diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or instead of getting help from a licensed medical professional.
Content last reviewed July 24, 2013
Page last updated October 31, 2013